Saturday, November 7, 2009

Scabies Picture Could I Possibly Have Scabies?

Could I possibly have scabies? - scabies picture

I have a rash on my bass lower. (.) Back. I have over two weeks, I think. Chop the top. Well, the itch to have just a nuisance.

I am sure that if I had time, so I do not know whether this, or if your itch.

I saw the images before the itching and the rash is similar, but not really. And the series is small, does not have much space. I do not know how I would have it, though.

I am very nervous and excited. There is nothing I (about him itch if not increase) in until you can get a doctor?


  1. I think you could do this for example with rash of shingles to be compared are known to cause skin rashes is quite intolerable and increasingly today among the people. But here's a link if you need information, you can compare your symptoms with and do not forget to consult a doctor, but is the most important thing you can do.

  2. I think you could do this for example with rash of shingles to be compared are known to cause skin rashes is quite intolerable and increasingly today among the people. But here's a link if you need information, you can compare your symptoms with and do not forget to consult a doctor, but is the most important thing you can do.
